How to detect listening devices in my home without having to employ an expert, in a few easy steps.
5 Easy ways to detect a listening device or hidden spy camera.
Do you suspect that someone may have the motivation to put a listening devices in place to monitor what you are saying or activities? As they are readily available it is possible that a spy camera or spy bug listening device has been strategically placed. It really is easy to purchase and use these devices as they often just need charging, insert a sim card, dial up to listen what is going on in the area of use.
So, now you know that it is easy to place and hide the devices, it’s also easy and cost effective to find listening devices or spy cameras in your property. All you must do is follow these simple and effective checks, carefully.
- Complete a manual sweep of each room. Systematically sweep the room in a clockwise direction. This approach ensures that you don't miss an area of the room. Remember be thorough in your approach, clockwise, up / down, left or right It is very easy to be blind to objects as you see them regularly. Remember that it is very likely that the device is hidden inside a device that you are familiar with. On the opposite if you see a new product such as a new extension lead or mains adaptor, especially if there isn't anything plugged into it. Remember don't turn it off as you won't find the bug. The bug often needs power to be able to operate for long periods of time. Ensure that you check light fittings, book shelves, flower arrangements, extension leads, under surfaces such as desks. pictures on the wall out of level or lampshades that are out of place. Normally a device would be placed in a location that has a clear view of the activity. This is becuase the closer the device is and the better the view, the better the pickup. We would suggest that you review our listening devices to identify what you are looking for (shapes and sizes) and what they can be hidden in. Identify places where a spy bug listening device can easily be hidden for the reasons explained.
How to Make a DIY Camera DetectorÂ
Wait until it is dark outside and turn off all the lights. Ideally you should block out any light from outside.
Grab a cardboard tube—a roll of paper towel is ideal. Hold the tube up to one eye and close the other.
Turn on your smart phone's flashlight, or use a regular flashlight.
Now slowly scan the whole of the room. You are looking for a tiny light with a halo, which is the reflection of the camera lens.
If you don't see any lights, that doesn't mean there aren't any cameras. Maybe the person who installed them hid them carefully. However, you have initially used the most cost effective method.
Use an RF spy bug detector. As listening devices are often hidden inside a domestic product such as a mains charger, extension lead, USB charger, smoke alarm or even a table lamp. Reflect and identify any items that have recently been added to your room. It is possible that they have been placed with the device installed inside recently. To determine if the product has a listening device inside, you will need a spy bug detector. These can be sourced from as little as £40 for the Budget Spy Bug Anti Spy Detector audio bug and camera detector in the Bug Detectors section of the online store. These devices pick up the radio frequencies when the device is sending a signal. A good way to test it’s effectiveness is to use your mobile phone near the detector and dial up someone. You will hear the device beep as it picks up interference, to confirm RF signal. This is the same result with the listening device, when detected. If someone is secretly filming or recording, they are most likely using RF to monitor or receive the data. If there’s any RF transfer there, the detector will make a sound, increasing in frequency and/or volume the closer you get to the source of the transmission. Turn off all your electronic and electrical items especially radios, wifi routers and mobile phones. Slowly walk around the room with the spy detector in a clockwise direction as advised. Normally when a device is being listened into to i.e dialed up or it is calling the owner up. The best option is to make noise to encourage the device to call up the owner. The spy bug detector will pick up the signal and beep, confirming the presence. If you move the device it will help you locate the exact location as the lights and sound get stronger the closer you are to the device.
- Use your mobile phone. If you make a call and sweep the room moving in a clockwise direction. You may hear a clicking noise from signals sent by the device. This is due to the mobile phone interfering with an electromagnetic field created by some devices. This method is ineffective, should it be used after a RF device. This is because the RF device is more effective and accurate.
- Lens’s will reflect. A good effective way to detect camera’s is to turn the lights off and review the area for a static or blinking light. Should you also shine a small torch around the room slowly, if these is a lens it will reflect the light back to you. Remember that the lenses are often a couple of millimeters in diameter.
- Spy bug detector & integrated Lens finder. There are a few devices available with both features RF bug detector & Lens finder. Essentially these devices allow you to sweep the area with both functions easily. whilst we would not recommend trying to perform both functions in a single sweep. We would recommend that you work in a logical fashion i.e. sweep for the bug function first ensuring that you sweep the complete room. Working in a clockwise direction allows you to ensure that the area is covered fully. You are less likely to forget where you are. When you have covered the whole area, turn off the bug detector mode and turn on the bright lens finder. We recommend working at approximately half the speed as the lens is harder to find. This is be because the lens that you are attempting to find is often very small. You may consider turning the lights off, this helps the light reflected from the lens stick out more. It doesn't have to be expensive to get one of these devices we currently stock the Budget Spy bug and Hidden camera Combi Anti-Spy detector.
It’s not necessary to check daily however, we would recommend that you combine the checks above when you sweep in a clock wise direction, just take your time to ensure you have not missed an area. As covered earlier, ensure that you are methodical in your approach, just in case you are distracted. The last thing you want to do is forget where you are and repeat the task unnecessarily. Therefore, the systematic approach of searching the room in a clock wise direction will ensure that you do not miss anything. Should you take this approach, you are more likely to spot any changes in the future, should the same approach be taken. Remember if the device does pickup a signal move around till you get the strongest sound or lights, depending on the bug finder you are using.The closer you are to the device the stronger the signal.