Find and detecting wireless cameras and spy bug listening devices.
Types of Spy Bug Detectors
There are predominantly two types of spy devices that you can come in contact with, video and audio. The devices that are being used operate on a radio frequency (RF). The technology for these devices is fairly simple, resulting in “bugs” that are often no bigger than a coin. They use a lower range of RF, between 1-3 MHz which is similar that of a garage door remote. Unfortunately, as they are so small, they can be placed almost anywhere to capture the video or audio. In some instances, they do not even need to be placed on the phone. They only need to be placed near the phone.
Most hidden spy cameras and other wireless spy bugs used for eavesdropping, surveillance equipment can now be detected. You can keep your home or office safe by using these low-cost bug detectors, to sweep the room. This ensures that you do not have unwanted listeners or viewers using spy cameras, tapping devices, GSM listening devices, mobile phones and other radio frequency devices that may be hidden in your home or office.
Whilst these low-cost spy detectors are not designed for commercial use, they are good in the home or small office environment. There are various devices, which perform different search and detection methods. The bug detector is essentially a radio receiver that can pick up electromagnetic signals broadcasted from the electronic device or specifically, a spy bug. Fortunately, most radio frequency bugs are found easily. The signals that they transmit is spotted by a simple Anti Spy detector, tuned to the frequency range that the offending bugs uses. By moving the bug detector around the room, it can alert the user to hidden spy bugs.
Whilst the bug finders vary in detection methods they predominantly indicate where the high frequency signal is detected either by led lights, which increase when the strength increases or a beeping sound. The best method is to turn of all devices that would send a wireless radio signal such as WIFI, Wi-Fi repeaters, phones. This reduces the time spent and ensures that you are not tracking down products that you already know are present. This ensures that you are using the most effective method of detection of spy bugs & listening devices.
Simply make sure all electronic products are turned off in the space you are checking and. If an offending radio frequency is operating in the room the device will pick it up and notify you, whilst you slowly walk around the room. Please remember that observing your surroundings will also find hidden devices, the approach needs to be logical i.e. cover the area in a pre-planned order, to ensure that all areas are covered slowly.
Initially test the device by scanning over your mobile phone whilst on a call to a friend. This will confirm that the device is working ok & the sensitivity is set correctly, to locate these kinds of devices. Please note all sweepers work on the same principle.
When locating & detecting GSM spy bugs, they must be on and sending gsm signals, if the bugs are off then they will not be able to locate them until they are activated. Thank fully a lot of GSM listening devices being used call the owner up when it detects noise. Therefore, the device is likely to be realising a GSM signal whilst you are nearby, so long as there is sufficient noise (talking, music etc).
Bugs & listening devices when professionally installed can be installed in threes. 1. The fool’s, 2. The novice’s 3. and the real bug. Remember that the first two are easier to locate and may throw you off the scent, the third is most difficult to find. Therefore, do not stop just because you have found a bug, sweep the whole area thoroughly.
Video Bug Detectors
Video bugs can capture everything the target is doing and can be placed anywhere as normally small and discrete. Video bugs are usually in the 5-10 MHz range, they depend on radio frequencies to transmit what they capture and can usually be detected.
Audio Bug Detectors
Like video bugs, Audio bug detectors are used to detect the presence of audio recording equipment. These bug detectors can detect the presence of audio bugs by detecting the radio frequencies that they transmit, which are usually within the 1-3 MHz frequency range.
GPS Bug Detectors
GPS and other location based bugs use much higher frequencies to communicate with GPS satellites. GPS bug detectors have to be able to detect various high radio frequencies, in order to detect GPS bugs. GPS frequencies are closer to more commonly used electronic devices such as power lines and radio broadcasts. These are therefore very hard to identify.
To view our range of Spy Bug Detectors click on the Spy Bug Detectors link...